What do you do when you are faced with a situation that is
not mentioned in the Bible? Is there a way of deciding whether a particular
course of action is pleasing to God or has He left us without any way of
deciding between what is good and bad?
The Apostle Paul taught that there was a way in which we
could determine right from wrong. He called it living according to the dictates
of your conscience and considered it to be a very important principle, as two
passages in Acts make clear. In Acts 23:1, Paul says: ...My brothers, I
have fulfilled my duty to God in all good conscience to this day. Later,
in Chapter 24:16 he declared: So I strive always to keep my conscience
clear before God and man. Just as Jimminy Cricket sang to Pinnochio, we
as Christians are commanded to let our conscience be our guide. In
1 Timothy 1:5 Paul lists a good conscience as an essential element of a life
characterised by love: The Goal of this command is love, which comes from
a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.
What exactly is the conscience? The conscience is that part
of the human spirit that acts as our moral guide, leading us to right actions
as well as showing us when we have done something wrong.
1. Saving The Conscience
1.1 The Unbelievers Conscience: Corrupted By Sin
As no-one has ever seen a conscience, so for convenience we
can think of it as a compass needle. The conscience is like a compass that
points us to right actions. Everyone has a conscience, whether they are a
Christian or not.
In Genesis 20:1-7 we read of Abrahams encounter with
the pagan ruler Abimelech. When the Lord God showed Abimelech the Philistine
that Sarah was Abrahams wife and not his sister (as Abraham had told him)
Abimelech protested that he had taken her into his harem with a clear
conscience. God agreed that his conscience is clear, showing us two things: (1)
Abimelech had a conscience and (2) knew that he had done right by following it.
The Lord acknowledges the truth of both these statements.
This agrees with what Paul says about the consciences
of the Gentiles in Romans 2:12-15, which is perhaps the nearest the New
Testament comes to defining what the conscience is. The conscience is so
important that it will form the basis of Gods judgement on those who have
never heard of either Christ or the Law. Paul says that even though people have
a conscience they all disobey it and so sin, even when they dont have the
Law to tell them right from wrong.
So if we look at the illustration again we can see that
everyone begins life with a working conscience, but because our
spirits are separated from fellowship with God by sin a change begins to take
place. Sin begins to mar and to twist our consciences so that they no longer
point to North or guide us to actions. Paul describes this process
in Titus 1:15: To the pure all things are pure, but to those who are
corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure. In fact, both their minds and
consciences are corrupt. And in 1 Timothy 4:2 he says: Such [false]
teachings come through hypocritical liars whose consciences have been seared as
with a hot iron. (Brackets mine.)
In both passages Paul is saying the same thing: sin distorts
the human conscience, which then becomes corrupted. In 1 Tim. 4:2
seared can probably be better translated branded' .This gives
the sense - supported by the context - that the consciences of the false
teachers bear the mark of the Devil upon them!
A good example of a distorted conscience (though Im
sure that we can all think of personal examples) happened when I was a
University. Id been round to see my neighbour in the Hall of Residence
and spent over half an hour witnessing to him about the Lord. He refused to
listen to anything I said, but when I swatted a fly on the bookcase on the way
out, he told me off for being cruel. Although he saw nothing wrong with getting
drunk or sleeping around - he found it offensive that I should take the life of
a fly!
The process doesnt end with a simply marring the
conscience. Deliberately and repeatedly ignoring your conscience will
eventually result in its total failure - as if the needle feel off your
1.2 The Believers Conscience: Restored By Christ
So we have seen that everyone has a conscience and that
although it starts off guiding us correctly, sin soon throws it out of
alignment as it were. As you might expect a great change takes place when
someone turns to Christ and everything becomes new (2 Cor. 5:17).
Hebrews 9:9-14 shows us that by his death on the cross Jesus
provided the means by which our consciences could be cleansed, something that
was not possible through the Old testament sacrificial system. This cleansing
allows us to ...draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance
of faith having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty
conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. (Hebrews
This happens when we are born again, when our spirit is
renewed and fellowship with God begun. All things have become new
(2 Cor. 5:17) - which means that we dont need to worry about the sins of
our past, because they have all been dealt with on the cross.
1.3 The Renewed Conscience: Ready for Training
Looking at our illustration of the compass we can represent
the conscience of the young Christian by putting back the straight needle on
the compass. Note, however, that the renewed needle does not
necessarily point to North. In 1 Cor. 4:1-6 Paul says that even as a believer
he might think that his conscience is clear, but he still may not be innocent
of sin. The point is the our renewed consciences need to be trained or in the
case of our illustration - re-calibrated' .In order to achieve this the
Holy Spirit the Word of God work together .
2. Training the Conscience
2.1 Training Through The Word
When I became a Christian, the first thing that I did was to
search through the New Testament and list what God required of me. Some things
are obvious:
9 of the 10 Ten Commandments are repeated in the NT (except
the Sabbath, cf. Col. 2:16).
Do not get drunk... (Eph. 5:18).
Do not marry an unbeliever (2 Cor. 6:14-16; 1 Cor.7:39).
Dont take a believer to court (1 Cor. 6:1).
Pay your taxes (Rom. 13:7).
As we read and study the Bible our consciences are trained
by what we learn, so that gradually (and it is a gradual process) we sin less
and grieve the Spirit less.
2.2 Training By The Spirit
If the Scripture tells you to do or not to do something then
obviously you dont need to search any further. However, as we have
already mentioned briefly there are a multitude of things that we experience
each day that the Scriptures do not cover directly, because if they did they
would be a rule-book as large as the Encyclopaedia Britannica. It is
precisely because God wants to train us to trust him and grow up as his sons
and daughters that He has not given us such a book. Christianity is not a
religion of rules, it is a religion of relationship!
So the second way in which our consciences are trained is by
the Holy Spirit, which Jesus promised us in John 16:12-15 would lead His
disciples into all truth. This is, of course, more subjective than using the
Scriptures and you will find that the Holy Spirit deals with us all as
individuals according to what stage we are at in our relationship with God. A
friend of mine who has been a Christian for a long time once told me one day
that the Holy Spirit had rebuked him for wasting time looking in shop windows
instead of doing something more useful. Perhaps it would be good to give a
practical example of how this works. You all listen to Christian music, but how
many of you have tested that music to see if it builds you up? You
can do this by spending an hour or so in prayer and worshipping God, and then
play some of the music. If you feel the presence of the Lord upon you is
decreased or your spirit grieved then dont listen to it any more. Keep on
testing what you listen to throughout your life, because you will probably find
that although you used to find a certain group or singer edifying a few years
ago, as your relationship develops, and you may not find it edifying any
longer. It would be quite wrong for anyone to list the groups that he or she
cannot listen to and attempt to enforce it on other people, as we shall see
2.3 Training The Conscience By Love for Others
Paul covers this subject in 3 passages in the New Testament
(Romans 14:13-23; 1 Cor. 8:4-13; 1 Cor. 10:23-33). They speak of the problem
the Corinthians had with regard to eating meat that had been sacrificed to
idols. Corinth was a city that was full of temples and it was a fair bet that
most of the meat for sale in the marketplace had been sacrificed to an idol
first. Paul says that there is nothing wrong with the meat, but this does not
mean that it is always right to eat it. We can draw 2 principles from these
2.3.1 Think about the consequences of your actions upon
This principle can be found in Romans 14:14-15 and 1 Cor.
8:9-13. We can bring this right up to date by asking the question Is it
right for a Christian to drink alcohol? The New Testament says that it is
wrong to get drunk, but nowhere does it forbid the drinking of alcoholic
drinks. You may feel OK in your spirit about drinking, so you pass the second
test, but what if a brother who was an alcoholic sees you drinking and is
encouraged to start drinking again? You have hurt your brother in Christ by
encouraging him to go against the dictates of his own conscience. Im not
saying whether or not I think that drinking alcohol is wrong. That is the point
- you have to consider it for yourself.
2.3.2 If the Scripture does not forbid it, dont pass
judgement upon it. Keep what you believe to yourself
This principle is found in Romans 14:22-23 and 1 Cor. 4:6;
10:25-30. Sometimes the best thing is to keep your mouth shut and let people
follow their own conscience in non-essential matters. This applies mainly in
areas of morality and doctrine, which should always be treated as being of
vital importance (cf. 1 Tim. 4:16; Jude 3).
3 Conclusion
So we have seen that our consciences are renewed when we are
born again, but need to be trained by the Word, the Spirit and by love for one
another. We should therefore make it our aim to allow God to train our
consciences and keep them clear.
1995 Robert I. Bradshaw