Creationism & the Early Church Home Page

About this Site

These are the homepages of Rob Bradshaw. They reflect his interests and research in such diverse subjects as bamboo propagation and early church history. They were originally launched in 1997 and extensively revised in March 2005 when a large amount of material was moved to his other websites (see list below).

Who is Rob Bradshaw?

Rob Bradshaw

Rob graduated from the University College of North Wales, Bangor, with a degree in Forestry. Following 10 months missionary service in Nepal with TEAR Fund, seconded to the United Mission, he attended Mattersey Hall (Assemblies of God Bible College) were he gained a Cambridge Diploma in Religious Studies. Following this Rob travelled across the Atlantic to Vancouver were he worked for several months with Richmond Pentecostal Tabernacle.

He currently works in South Norwood as Librarian at Spurgeon's College. His interests are web design, theology, hermeneutics, early church history, origins, writing and research. Rob is an Associate member of the Evangelical Theological Society.

Sites Designed and Maintained by Rob Bradshaw

Site Name

Date Launched January 2012 November 2010 November 2009 January 2009 September 2002 August 2002 March 2001 January 2001
Creationism & the Early Church Home Page 1997

Published works:

"The Interpretation of Nature and the Bible," Origins, No. 23 (August 1997): 7-13.

Bamboo: A Management Guide. Kathmandu: United Mission to Nepal, 1989.

Sea Battles For The 48 Spectrum"Sea Battles" for the 48K Spectrum released in 1984
- still available to those with Spectrum emulation for the PC.


Terraced Hillsides of NepalNepal is one of the poorest countries in the world. Its rapidly growing population face ever increasing challenges. to their survival. Intense demand for land Nepali Childto grow crops is leading to increasing deforestation and catastrophic erosion. The United Mission to Nepal, an international interdenominational Christian Mission, has worked in the country alongside the rapidly growing Nepali church since the 1950's. Among its wide range of projects (from hydro-electric power to dentistry) it has carried out experimental research aimed at encouraging Nepali farmers to plant bamboo on their land. It was hoped that increased numbers of these versatile plants would help to stabilise the hillsides as well as providing a valuable source of building material and fodder.

Liverpool's Anglican Cathedral

Liverpool's Anglican CathedralThis is the largest Anglican Cathedral in Europe and the 5th largest of any denomination in the world. It houses the world's largest Cathedral organ (with almost 10 000 pipes) and the heaviest and highest peal of bells in the world (supported by the world's two largest gothic arches). It took 74 years to build and was completed in 1978.

Photograph Courtesy of Peter Kennerley

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